Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Summer break

Carly just being silly.

so hot, i just need to take a nap, zzzzzzzz........

That's a really wierd joke. I don't get it. 

Oh, ha ha ha. Now I see what you're talking about.

Happy, happy, always happy

I really like that toy and being held by my sister Carly.

Ooooooooooooh. What's that long brown stuff?

perfect sky

I was so tired I fell asleep playing!

Hmmmmmmmm, I think I might have to think that over.

Hey! It's not picture hour!

I love this outfit Macy and Robyn helped pick out. So cute!

Just stylin'

I love you too!

just content

I like this new outfit. Oh, and this is a great bracelet.
Very talented..


Christie said...

Fun to see all the cute pictures!

Sherry said...

I enjoyed looking at your pictures, Robyn. Ivy is SO blessed to have you three sisters.